
Oh happy day!

My first job back in LA is Transcribing. I heard about it through Lauren and Scott, and on the surface it seems like a pretty incredible job. You get a movie, you write down what they say so that foreign dub companies have a script to work from. For my first film, which clocks in at 1 hour and 23 minutes, I've now spent more than 11 hours on the script.

It wouldn't be a bummer if the film wasn't so depressing. But I'm watching and re-watching a slice-of-life movie about Los Angeles and the crazy people who live here. I'm writing a movie (that's already been written) about movie people who aren't doing very well.

It's like the first time you play SIMS and your little character sits down at a computer while you're sitting down at a computer. It's an existential crisis movie. And I've watched it so many times I've got it memorized. Ugh.

Today I turned 27. Josh and I went to the LA convention center, and got some coffee and visited Jim at his first day at work (Banana Republic).

And then I finally watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. And it wasn't bad! I'm shocked.